About Colossal Tennis

About Us

Welcome to Colossal Tennis! We are an elite tennis training academy based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota serving the needs of high performance players from their first steps on court all the way into their college careers.


To develop highly skilled, complete and competitive tennis players by implementing our educationally sound developmental curriculum that is delivered in a challenging, healthy, and supportive team-based environment.


To develop the best tennis players and people, who master the skills required for big games and the positive character attributes for big lives.


The goal of Colossal Tennis is to help our players develop the most complete tennis and athletic skill set possible, while fostering the positive character building traits necessary to succeed at the highest levels of tennis and in life, all within a team-based culture of passionate and encouraging individuals.

We believe in the power of incredible effort, intentional daily practice, sound educational curriculum, and unrivaled teamwork. Consistent growth and improvement is only possible when conducted in an environment that is prepared, professional, challenging, and positive.

By building tennis players from the ground up and providing them with a progressive player development system we aim to unlock these athletes greatest potential, both competitively and personally, as they strive and thrive in an environment that serves them into their competitive playing years and beyond.


We train and think differently at Colossal Tennis. Read our articles and watch our videos for our unique perspectives on tennis training and competition.

The Contrarian Tennis Player

In today’s competitive tennis landscape finding an edge over our opponents has become increasingly difficult. The tennis community has become sharper, coaching education and training methodologies have improved, and more …